Geotechnical Services
With a team size of 20 people, Treavic Geosystem has varied experience of carrying out geotechnical investigation for railway tunnels, various Metro projects all over Kenya and other African Countries as well as other infrastructure projects in water, industrial and commercial markets. We specialize in the following areas:
- Onshore and offshore site investigations
- Foundation investigations and design
- Residential/Commercial Complexes
- Industrial Complexes
- Construction of High-rise buildings
- Bridges/Jetties
- Water Supply Schemes
- Highways and Rail Tracks
1. Geotechnical Investigation
Drilling & Sampling
Collecting Disturbed and Undisturbed Samples using U100 and Shelly Tube
SBC – Safe Bearing Capacity
Standard Penetration Test
Non-Invasive Structural Integrity Analysis
Foundation Analysis and Design
Geotechnical Environmental Engineering services
Deep Foundation Analysis and Design
Foundation Recommendations
Tunneling Investigation
Borehole Televiewer Studies
Dilatometer / Pressure Meter Test
Specialized In Situ Field Testing
Borehole Televiewer
- Acoustic Televiewer
- Optic Televiewer
Hydraulic Fracturing – Hydro Fracture Test (permeability testing)
Wenner Soil Resistivity Test
Pressure Meter Test / Dilatometer Test
Cone Penetration Test (CPTu & SCPTu)
Infiltration Test (Double Ring method)
Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (Light, Heavy and Super Heavy)
Piezometer and Standpipe Installation
California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR)
Thermal Resistivity and Conductivity Testing
Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT)
2. Geotechnical Contracting
Drilling and Grouting Works
3. Pile Load Testing
Static Vertical Pile Load Testing
Reaction Anchors Up To 2000 Tons
Gravity Loading With Sandbags/concrete Blocks
4. Collection and Testing of Ground Water and Soil
5. Installation of Monitoring Wells